Frustrated that your puppy is using your carpet like his own personal potty? Has your cute little dog become a shark, with the puncture marks on your arm to prove it? At this one hour seminar we cover house training, chewing, nipping, and other problem behaviors that are driving you nuts! The night will also include a discussion on how dogs learn, the importance of socialization and how it affects your dog, as well as Q & A time.
While not required for participation in our Puppy Kindergarten, this seminar does present key concepts that you will find beneficial in class in addition to training on your own.
Please note: do not bring your puppy to this seminar. Have other questions? Click here to contact us.
Registration is required. Click on the date below that you would like to attend.
Dates are tentative and may change due to room availability, vacations, etc.
Seminar location: St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1101 E. High St., Pottstown, PA 19464. Click here for directions.
"Training a puppy is like raising a child. Every single interaction is a training opportunity." - Dr. Ian Dunbar